My Pizza Hut Experience

             It was a rather peaceful September evening, nothing seemingly odd or strange. Of course, this was the trend that
was to be expected in daily human life. This string of commonplace serenity is
often broken due to those who lust for power driven by greed. Oddly enough, the
sun was still up, but of course it was not up in the sense of being in the center
of the sky, more so akin to a sunset; probably due to the fact that it was
still technically summer. It was starting to get darker and darker with each
passing moment, the fog eventually started to roll in. Thankfully, Isabella
Welch, heir to the Welch family riches; a modest amount of cash from her
deceased grandfather, was inside of her two story apartment. The clock read
only 9:18 P.M., giving her enough time to finish her page in the book she was
given to by her mother. A fascinating novel really, this book contained
excerpts about the Chernobyl accident and how amazing it was that the general area
was starting to sprawl with wildlife. Of course, this was only the chapter she
was in. The whole book dealt with nuclear disasters throughout time; from the
first atomic bomb, to the more recent Fukushima reactor meltdown.
at the clock once more, Isabella noticed that only about 20 minutes had gone
by. The clock now read 9:38 P.M.. Her father was fast asleep and her mother was
finishing the dishes. Isabella yawned from an exhausting day at the park,
relaxing and enjoying the scenery; she very much enjoyed the company of the
birds’ mystical singing. Isabella suddenly jolted up from underneath her
bedsheets for she had heard a knock on her bedroom door. “Isabella, goodnight
sweetie” Her mother calmly said. “Thank you mom. You sleep well too okay? Don’t
let dad’s snoring keep you up” Isabella replied. Yawning once more and
snuggling back down underneath her covers, Isabella finally drifts off to
woke up. It was pitch black in her bedroom. She glanced at her clock and
noticed that it read 5:38 A.M.. “Wow”, she said, “I must’ve been really tired
to fall asleep at nine”. “I mean , now I’m not even tired” Wiping her eyes, she
got up from her bed and turned on her lamp. With the room becoming illuminated
once more, Isabella stumbled over to her dresser and grabbed her slippers.
After donning the slippers, she walked outside from her room and went into the
bathroom across the hallway. Groggily, she washed her face to wake herself up. “Man,
I gotta stop waking up so damn early” Isabella said to herself. She walks downstairs
to the kitchen and grabbed a microwavable burrito and cooked it for the assigned
duration of time on the package; 1 minute and 30 seconds. She poured herself a
glass of water as well. After grabbing her “breakfast”, she went back upstairs
and sat down at her computer. She took a bite of the burrito and noticed that
it is actually warm for once.
turned on her computer, and logs in. She dragged the mouse cursor over the web
browser icon and clicked it twice. “Let’s see what Facebook has for me today” She
said. She typed in her Facebook credentials and checked to see what was new. “Huh”
,she pondered, “Alison’s latest post is about some shady suited figure…probably
some more of that creepypasta crap”. She decided to ignore the post because she
found something a bit more enticing; a YouTube link. She clicked on the link
and was taken to a Markiplier video. She enjoyed Markiplier’s content and
thought this video on some random indie game would be funny. She was right, she
enjoyed the video. She looked back at her clock and the time now read 5:57
the fatigue returning, she turned off her computer, slipped back into her bed
and turned off her lamp. “Goodnight Winnie” she said to her stuffed Winnie the
Pooh bear. Fortunately, it was summer so she could sleep in for once. When she
finally awoke, again, she noticed that the time was now 10:26 A.M.. She got out
of bed and went downstairs to, once again, consume sustenance so as to avoid
dying from hunger; y’know, the typical human thing. She noticed a Post-It note
on her refrigerator, it read “Isabella, we’ll be gone until around 10 P.M., so
be good! There’s some money on the counter in case you want to buy a pizza or
something. –Love, mom.” Isabella thought to herself that she could finally eat
some pizza on the couch or in her bed instead of the table. “Awesome” she
thought. After a few hours of mindlessly listening to some music and watching
some television, she glanced at the living room clock and saw that it was 2:48
P.M.. She decided that her stomach had been rumbling for far too long and decided
to order a pizza. She went onto the Pizza Hut website and ordered a simple
pepperoni pizza with some bread sticks. She continued her episode of Family Guy
and waited for her pizza to arrive.
She was
in the middle of watching Stewie steal Quagmire’s RV when she heard the
doorbell ring. She excitedly got up from the couch and went over to the door.
She pulled out the 20 dollar bill and opened the door, only to be surprised by
a well-dressed pizza delivery boy. “What, is it not casual Friday?” she said. “No,
I just enjoy wearing suits” the pizza delivery man said. “Oh, well here’s the
20, that should cover the cost and then some” Isabella laughed. “Thank you ma’am.
Do you want change back? It’s only going to be 5 dollars in return, I don’t
know why these cheese infused circular things are so expensive” The man said. “No,
that’s okay. You can keep the tip” Isabella replied. “Thank you again ma’am”
said the man.
closed the door and walked back to the couch and resumed watching her episode
of Family Guy, only this time she had pizza with her. She set down the pizza
box and opened it and took in the rather delicious odor it had to offer. She
took a slice of the pepperoni pizza out and began to eat it. “Mmm, this is
really good” she said to herself. She finished eating the pizza slice and went
to consume a breadstick next. “Oh man, this is going to be really tasty too!”
she exclaimed. But, when she opened the box of breadsticks, she saw a piece of
paper with words on it; in layman’s terms, a letter. She took out the letter
and began to read it: “Hello Isabella, I know you don’t know who I am, but I
will say I certainly know who you are. No, this is not a ransom letter or any
creepy thing like that. It’s merely a joke to spook you. Haha, it’s just me
Jake. Remember? I work at the pizza shop and am in your Physics class? Well
anyways, enjoy the ‘ransom’ breadsticks. –Jake.” “Oh haha, I forgot that he
worked at Pizza Hut. Oh man, I’ve known Jake ever since freshman year. He’s
really a good friend” Isabella said laughing.
She took
out one of the breadsticks and dipped it in the customarily given marinara
sauce. She then took a bite of it. “Mmm, this is also delicious!” she
exclaimed. She ate another slice of pizza and figured she would have another
slice after that. But…while she was chewing on her third piece and watching as
Stewie hopped onto his future self, she felt a sudden grogginess overcome her.
She soon fell asleep with the pizza slice still in her hand and the food still sitting
in the open.
awoke in a total daze, she felt normal, and noticed that she was in her own
bedroom…but…”What the hell?!” she screamed. She looked underneath the covers
and saw that she was only wearing her panties. She wasn’t tied up, but she
certainly couldn’t move. “Hello?! What the fuck is going on? Why can’t I move?”
she yelled in a panicked voice. “Hello Isabella” she heard. “W-what? Who’s
there?” She asked. The man stepped forward and spoke, “I am not someone you
know, but it should be known that the letter from ‘Jake’ was actually from me.”
“W-what?!” Isabella exclaimed. “I am the suited man who delivered your pizza.
You have a wonderful body by the way.” The man said. Isabella was speechless…was
that the reason she was in only her panties? And come to think of it, she felt
a sort of wetness in her crotch. She looked down and noticed that it was white.
“I…I…” she tried to speak. “Sshhh…Isabella, what’s done is done, you don’t need
to worry. I may not have worn a condom, but you were certainly fed a birth
control pill” the shady man said. “Also, don’t contact the authorities…it
wouldn’t be…beneficial to either of us, you rapist. By the way, the name’s Nicholas.
Ciao” said Nicholas. Isabella was left speechless and literally immobile while
she heard the man close her front door and walk out to who knows where.
began to silently sob, knowing that she had just been violated and was left in
ransom and told not to talk. She feared the worst and decided to hole up in her
room until the end of time. Of course, she couldn’t just do this. She
eventually got her movement back and threw her panties in the garbage bin. Fear
residing in her mind, she just went back to bed, naked, and slept until what
felt like the end of time. Never again, would she order from Pizza Hut.